Thursday, October 30, 2008

Kuala Lumpur Petronas Twin Towers

Was attending a course in KL & took the opportunity to take photos of night view of PTT and KL Twin Towers... taken from KLCC park

Monday, October 27, 2008

Cub Scout - Ice Skating


2 weeks ago, the boys had their cub scout activity... this time it was ice skating for Izzy Jr#1... Izzy Jr#2 also followed and joined-in the fun! The boys had 30 minutes of lesson before they were let loose. Quite amazing... the first time they went into the ice skating rink, they could not move at all! But after 30 minutes of lesson, they ventured to all corners! Izzy Jr#2 had already written in his 'to do' list ..... 'go to ice skating' and reminding his papa almost every week to do it!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Cub Scout Camping - Story by Izzy Jr #2

Story by Izzy Jr #2

Well, finally the youngest Izzy managed to pencil down his first experience camping as a cub scout. Here is his short unedited story... again...all in one single sentence!

I went to boy scuoot (scout) and I can play water balloon and we can make a cam (camp) and it is raining and it was fun and we sing song and we did babaqu (BBQ) and I prates (practice) my compass and I play games and we eat magee (maggi) and we sleep 12:24 a.m.!

a game of flag football

With his den members

Knot tying exercise

It's water balloon fight... where will the blue balloon land?

Izzy Jr#2 trying to tease someone into throwing water balloon to him

With his den flag that he won together with his den

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Cub Scout Camping - story by Izzy Jr #1

Article written by Izzy Jr #1
We had cub scout camping this weekend. It is the first time Izzy Jr #2 attend the camp-out as a cub scout. However below is the story from his elder brother as Izzy Jr #2 was too tired and went to sleep very early. We'll wait for his version in few days time! So go ahead Izzy Jr #1...

In my cub scout camping, there were lots of activities. There were First Aid workshop, knot tying competition and orienteering activity; where I learned to use compass. I enjoyed all of the activities. My favourite activity was the water balloon fight. In this game you throw water balloons to anyone to make them wet... we played in the rain so everyone ended up wet!
preparing for the balloon fight!
haha we all got wet!
Then, it was time for dinner. I ate my dinner with my den members. We ate chips, BBQ salmon, nuggets, BBQ chicken, hot dog and had marshmallow for dessert. After we're done eating dinner,we had pack meeting where we had lots of skits and singing. At 9:15pm, we then played Capture The Flag game with some boy scouts until 10:00pm. We played in the field and it was totally dark and still wet! We had to use our torchlight. When the game was over, I had my shower and cooked maggi with my father and lil' brother before going to bed.
Dinner time.... had to do it in the canteen because of the rain!
Enjoying the skits during pack meeting ... before the nite capture the flag game

The next morning, the Webelos cub scouts which include myself, had to cook pancakes for the whole cub scout pack. I made chocolate chip pancakes. After eating breakfast, we went home. I enjoyed myself.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Singapore F1 - Qualifying + Race Day

Izzy Jr #2 was quite upset when he saw what happened to Massa during his pit stop but nevertheless, we enjoyed our time at the track. The race atmosphere was great.