Saturday, September 27, 2008

Singapore F1 Nite Race - circuit preparation

Wednesday 24 Sept 2008. Workers were still busy doing final touch-up of the circuit. Most part of circuit has been closed from vehicles but pedestrians can walk almost the whole part of the circuit. While walking along the circuit saw DC doing his familiarisation on the 5.067km circuit.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

cuti-cuti Malaysia - Cameron H'land (FB)

April 2007... spent 3 nights at Cameron Highland to relax & unwind. the company's bungalow is sure a great place & not forgetting the great food as well! Though weather during daytime is not that cold anymore, nigh time is very different. Went there with the kid's grandparents and uncle. Their cousins joined them the next day. Went to the Boh tea plantation, butterfly park, vege market, strawberry picking & tested scones at few places.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Berbuka Puasa

Last Saturday, thought of having a good berbuka puasa outside.... the family wanted western... so kita orang pergilah to this restaurant..... the spaghetti aglio olio & lobster was delicious tapi the grill meat (chicken + beef + lamb) was quite disappointing... macam marinade in soup...

So, bila balik, the kids and their mum agreed that Izzy Sr to make roasted lamb & spaghetti aglio olio the next day ('cause the spaghetti olio was eaten by Izzy Jr#1 alone.... yup he was very hungry!).

So, on Sunday buka puasa... everyone baru puas-hati... and at less than half the restaurant price!

the menu:

roasted lamb with vegetable
spaghetti aglio olio with prawn & scallop
couscous with sour cream

... the best way to eat... a bit of everything in a single plate!

Soccer Class

Izzy Jr#2 had his first soccer class last Saturday at his school. He had fun and as he said...."I learned so many stuff like you need to jog a lot, look where you want to kick the ball & not forgetting the goalkeeper must always look at the ball and not daydreaming!"